Atyune 2.5 Summary
Quick sheet with Atyune 2.5 features
Atyune Summary 2.5.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [448.3 KB]


Please read the EULA (End User Licensing Agreement) before downloading Atyune software. This is the agreement through which the software is licensed to the software user: downloading the Atyune software automatically implies the acceptance of the agreement.

Atyune EULA
Atyune EULA.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [37.3 KB]

Release Notes

  • Fixed bug that prevented to use size-approximation on some capacitors series
  • Fixed bug in calculating port extension when termination is a short

  • Fixed some bugs related to the impedance plots when port impedance is defined by a file.

See Release Notes.txt in the installation folder for the full list.


Here you can download a fully functional version of Atyune with the following limitations

  1. The software licence will expire on September 29th, 2024. It is my intention to keep the software available for free after that date, but I want to make sure that it is upgraded to the latest version at some point.
  2. This free version on Atyune comes with a limited set of components libraries; however, the libraries provided are very usable and should be sufficient for most applications.
  3. If an extendeded components library is obtained, the expiry date is generally removed.
  4. Only three demo VNA drivers are provided, working only with a very limited number of instruments.
Installer for Atyune 2.5.2
Windows program file [18.8 MB]
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